Brethren, we held our Installation of Officers on Friday evening, with a good turnout.  Prior to the Installation Ceremony, the Alter was Draped in Bro. Pat Hutchison.  He will be missed.

W. Bro. Mark Barclay was installed Master of the Lodge for 2019, along with his new slate of Officers.

Ionic #31 Lodge Officers 2019
WM- Mark Barclay, (Kevin Monsebroten)
IPM- Kevin Monsebroten
SW- Art Galman, (Bernie Meisner)
JW- Kevin Garner, (Rod Munn)
SD- Bryan Anderson, (Rod Munn)
JD- Gordon Whitton, (Richard Gibbons)
Inner Guard- Mariano Ong, (Marlon Francisco) (Al White)
Chaplain- Trevor Horton, (Gordon Yarde) (Curtis Babiy)
SS- Robert Florence, (Mark Miller)
JS- Mark Miller, (Alvin Laudinez)
Asst S’s- Marlon Francisco, Randy Gumtang
Organist- Peter Hogger, Darrel Yates
Piper- Jim Ramsay
Secretary- Don Finan
Treasurer- Tony Francescone
Director of Ceremonies- Tom Dutton, (Glenn Hunter)
Tyler- Jim Ramsay, (Al White)
– Names in bold print are the installed officers; names afterwards in (parentheses) are the Alternates. If the Installed Officer is unable to attend a meeting, he is to contact an Alternate WELL in advance and ensure that the WM is informed.

Three of the wives presented us with a superb lunch at the Festive Board.  Excellent job Girls!

M.W. Bro. Finan & V.W. Bro. Meisner presented our Master,  with  a framed college picture, depicting, Members of our Red Coat Degree Team taken during a number of Degrees which were performed at numerous Lodges in this Province and in the USA.

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