Ionic Lodge #31 held our Regular Meeting on May 10, with a 2nd Degree for Bro. Jordan Gifford.  Congratulations Bro. Gifford on being passed to the 2nd Deg.  Only one more to go.  Congratulations  also go to the Deg. Team for a job well done.   R.W. Bro. Kevin Monsebroten was the Acting Master on this occasion.  Our D.D.G.M., R.W. Bro. Bob St. Germain made his official visit. R.W. Bill Bryce, a Member of Ionic Lodge, who resides in Lloydminster and is a Member of Britannia #23, attended and sat as our Past Master, for only the second time in his long and Illustrious Career as a Mason.  You did well Bill!  Bro. Sean Swiderski was visiting from Britannia #23, Lloydminster.  Bro. Swiderski presented Ionic Lodge with the Traveling Mall, emblematic of Lodge visitation in District 7. Thanks you for this.

 Bro. Jordan Gifford, flanked by R.W. Bro. Kevin Monsebroten and DDGM, R.W. Bro. Bob St. Germain.

 R.W. Bro. Levin Monsebroten haply receives the Traveling Mall from Bro. Swiderski